Once reports are created within Impact, you will need to determine the method in which reports will be delivered to your donors.

There are two options for report delivery:

  • Electronic delivery
  • Print delivery

Electronic Delivery

  1. Under the report section in Impact, select the "Report delivery" tab.
  2. Create a title for the delivery package.
  3. Choose the method of delivery (for electronic, choose email/Odder).
  4. Choose the approved report batches to include in the delivery.
  5. Review the constituents included in the report batches to identify anyone that should not receive a report, as well as identify any constituents that have incomplete records for delivery (i.e. no email address).
  6. Once constituents are reviewed, you are able to download a csv of any constituents that have incomplete records so that you can update the information in your donor management system.
  7. Once all of the constituent information is finalized, you are able to automatically send the reports and constituent contact information to Odder to be added to your Thankview campaign.
  8. If you are sending your reports electronically in-house, you are able to generate the reports in a PDF format, as well as generate a .csv file of your constituents with their contact information.

Fundriver Impact partners with Odder for your electronic delivery needs.  To learn more about Odder, click here.

Print Delivery

  1. Under the report section in Impact, select the "Report delivery" tab.
  2. Create a title for the delivery package.
  3. Choose the method of delivery (for electronic, choose email/Odder).
  4. Choose the approved report batches to include in the delivery.
  5. Review the constituents included in the report batches to identify anyone that should not receive a report, as well as identify any constituents that have incomplete records for delivery (i.e. no email address).
  6. Once constituents are reviewed, you are able to download a csv of any constituents that have incomplete records so that you can update the information in your donor management system.
  7. Once all of the constituent information is finalized, you are able to download a zip file with both the PDFs of the reports, as well as a .csv file of your constituent contact information for mail delivery to either use in-house or send to a print house.