Welcome to Fundriver Impact! We're excited you are interested in our pilot program. Check us out at www.fundriver.com/impact


  1. Being an early adopter with the opportunity to step up your Donor Reporting for Fall 2021
  2. Base Fee waived for year 1 - you pay just the per report cost for year 1.  (Regular pricing will start in year 2)


  1. Provide bi-weekly feedback to Fundriver regarding product design, capabilities, and ease of use
  2. After implementation & training, create an Endowment Report for your institution, using one of our pre-designed templates
  3. Must be an RENXT user
  4. Fundriver Client Administrator, RENXT Environmental Administrator, and person responsible for Donor Reporting from your institution must be involved in process.
  5. Allotment of sufficient time for onboarding and setup to be completed by August 31, 2021