Release Date: February 21, 2023
- All views updated to prominently show status as non-active
- Deceased constituents will be excluded from reporting
- Within the fund view: the Impact statements tab matches the Fund impact view in a recipient record and distinguishes fund narratives from recipient list records
- Both types of impacts here link to the recipient view, or allow user to remove (user will be prompted to confirm if record should be deleted)
- Fund Impacts now include an image in the detail view (shown above the narrative) and image can be replaced here as well (if there are multiple images to be updated, that should be done through an import instead):
Report Templates
- New proofing functionality that allows customers to proof content added to a template against real fund data. This will also streamline the clutter that we often see in the report template view and allow users to easily reference the proof PDF to see how the template looks.
- User must proof the template to approve the template, proofing action lives under actions menu.
- Report template names can now be modified after the template is approved (example scenario: so if you wanted to add “Final”, but then realized the template needed to change, you could edit that out and add to the “final version”).
- Customers who have existing templates: any templates created prior to this release will not show proofs, but they can copy the template and proof it, but will need to update the name
- The list of funds to proof is smart and only shows funds that have data (content) to display that correlate to the pages chosen
- Uses the active reporting period
- Constituent agnostic (so the PDF ID is not using a constituent ID and the constituent ID in the report is replaced with “proof” in the footer)
- The hope is that this will ensure stakeholders can also see the template proof before reports are generated, hopefully, minimizing the need to re-run report batches later.
- Classic report template guide will be available when:
- Users create a new template
- On the template views as customers are building + refining their template (see PDF linked under Template Design Classic)
- Images:
Image validations have been removed and why
Need to ensure old templates are not re-used for Print or Proofed
- The guide is also helpful to share with a marketing team that may be helping with content and appropriate imagery
- We have removed image validations as the validations were too strict (exact pixels) and the image sizes needed to be adjusted for print to ensure they meet print house standards
- We have been owning image optimizations (see point below related to optimization process and template guides) and can share these guides with clients who want to own optimizing these independently.
- Updated to include the link to Imports (bulk imports for constituents if not RE, Constituent to fund mapping, all Recipient pages)
- Customers can find the following imports: constituent to fund mapping, (non-RE) Default constituent, Recipient Page Recipients, Recipient Page Fund Bullets, Recipient Q+A, Recipient Thank You horizontal, Recipient Thank You vertical, Narrative + Quote
- Once you select create a new import, you will see the Import options available
- Imports show the active reporting period dates that will be associated (same as the reporting period banner), but note that the fund to constituent and constituent default imports do not relate to a specific reporting period
- If there are any errors with any records, they will be displayed, and you can print a list of issues so you can correct the file for importing.
- Imports need to use the Excel templates we supply that appear in the flow and are found in the knowledge base with more details on what's required to ensure the table header values match what’s needed.
- Excel files can only have 1 sheet to be imported.
- All of these imports should be reviewed carefully before import to ensure the data is clean: spelling, formatting of numbers (if leading zeros are missing, they will not get added to Impact)
- The implementation specialist can help with reviewing and facilitating these as needed.
Delivery Updates
- Email delivery (not ODDER) Zip now contains PDFs along with CSV file
- CSV now includes: last name (company name), primary solicitor, and country values
- Updated messaging to let users know if they open a CSV with excel it will drop leading zeros to any values, should be opened in notepad or text editor if reviewing